INTINOVA – a secret of woman’s powerIndications
Intinova recovers the mucosa and the tonus of vaginal walls, eliminates vaginal dryness and atrophic vaginitis, heals the vaginal mucosa in erosion, vaginitis and colpitis .
Gel for vaginal rejuvenescence and flexibility in tubes of 5 g №7.
Properties of Intinova Gel:
Due to rich composition of natural biologically active substances, Intinova gel moisturizes and restores the skin tone and increases the elasticity of vaginal mucosa, as well as helps to prevent vaginal infections.
Recommendations for use:
Intinova Gel is recommended to use vaginally for::
- recovery of flexibility and elasticity of vaginal mucous coat after labour;
- vaginal induration and rejuvenescence;
- sensitivity enhancement during sexual intercourse;
- elimination of vaginal dryness and discomfort during sexual intercourse;
- vaginal mucous coat regeneration and vaginal wall enhancement after aggressive methods of treatment (diathermocoagulation, laser therapy and cryotherapy of cervix uteri or vagina, abortus), after vaginal surgeries of vaginal walls abasement and body of uterus, pelvic floor relaxation;
- elimination of vaginal dryness and vaginal mucous coat atrophy of women in menopause period.
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Instruction for application
Gel for vagina tonus recovery.
Composition: purified water, Aloe Vera extract, almond extract, glycerine, witch-hazel extract, Pueraria Mirifica extract, Panax ginseng extract, polyacrylate crospolymer-6, DМDМ hydantoin, pomegranate extract, hyaluronic acid.
Gel Intinova contains components of natural origin that have complex influence on the vagina state.
- Aloe Vera extract promotes vagina mucous coat regeneration, improve flexibility and moisten, abirritate, resolve vagina pruritus. Besides biologically active substances of aloe has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
- Almond extract due to presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E and B complex (B1,B2, B5, B6, B9, B12) H, PP, microelements, amino acids in the composition raise vagina tissues trophism, blood circulation of genital organs and promotes collagen generation that lead to improvement of moisture content and mucous coat elasticity, vaginal walls enhancement;
- Witch-hazel extract is a source of hardening agent such as binding and vessel-strengthening properties and also firm up vagina mucous coat. Due to antibacterial, anti-viral and antifungal properties witch-hazel promotes vagina infection prevention;
- Pueraria Mirifica extract due to phytoestrogen properties recovers vagina mucous coat, resolves vaginal atrophy due to promotion of synthetic process in mucous coat blood, improvement circulation of genital organs. Besides, Pueraria Mirifica reinforces libido and also mucous coat sensibility during sex intercourse;
- Panax ginseng extract is known for biostimulating, immune stimulating and adaptogene actions. On vaginal application Panax ginseng extract raises vagina mucous coat constancy to pathogenic organism and other irritative agents, raises vessels tone, improves circulation of genital organs. Besides, Panax ginseng encourages sexual gland function and raises sexual activity;
- Pomegranate extract has significant antioxidant and reparative properties, activates synthetic processes in mucous coat, first of all of elastin protein and collagen. Due to this vagina flexibility and elasticity increases. Due to presence of organic acids Panax ginseng extract levels pH at optimum level and eliminates bacterial dysbiosis;
- Hyaluronic acid is natural polysaccharide that covers mucous coat of vagina and creates protective barrier at its surface and promotes mucous coat recovery, vagina walls enhancement. Besides, hyaluronic acid moisturizes mucous coat well at dryness.
As the result, due to rich composition of biologically-active substances of natural origin Gel Intinova moisturizes, recovers and raises elasticity and tone of vagina mucous coat and preventions of vaginal infection.
Gel Intinova is recommended to use vaginally for:
- recovery of flexibility and elasticity of vagina mucous coat after labour;
- vagina induration and rejuvenescence;
- sensitivity enhancement during sexual intercourse;
- elimination of vagina dryness and discomfort during sexual intercourse;
- vagina mucous coat regeneration and vaginal wall enhancement after aggressive methods of treatment (diathermocoagulation, laser therapy and cryotherapy of cervix uteri or vagina, abortus), after vaginal surgeries of vaginal walls abasement and body of uterus, pelvic floor relaxation;
- elimination of vagina dryness and vagina mucous coat atrophy of women in menopause period.
Route of administration
With the purpose of recovery of tonus and elasticity of vagina mucous coat and also elimination of vagina dryness use at night before bedtime one time per day or alternate days for 2-3 months. The course can be repeated in 2-3 months if necessary.
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1. Wash hands carefully with soap before application. Separate the end of the thin underside of the tube. |
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2. In prone position insert the whole thin end of the tube to the vagina. Press the tube content to vagina by pulling for 2-3 times. |
3. Dry the rest of the gel with napkin. |
One tube is designed for one application. It is recommended to use sanitary towels, because some gel can come out.
Special precautions.
In case of idiosyncrasy can be redness, heat, pain and sensation at the place of application. It is necessary to stop gel application in case of any sensation of discomfort after its application and immediate consult a doctor. Do not use the gel after the end of shelf-life indicated in the pack. Do not use in case of tube integrity damage.
Presentation: Cosmetic gel in tube by 5 g. 7 tubes in pack.
Manufacturer: «Aurochem Laboratories (India) Private Limited”, 2, Palghar Taluka Industrial Co-Op., Estate Ltd., Palghar, Thane – 401 404, Maharashtra, India
Supplier: “Ananta Medicare Ltd”, Suite 1, 2 Station Court, Imperial Warf, Townmead Road, Fulham, London, the United Kingdom.
Applicant: “Evitas Ltd.”, 37, Iskrinska Street, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001. Tel./fax: +38 057 766 07 44.
Shelf-life: 24 months.
Storage conditions: keep in dry protected from light and places at a temperature not exceeding 30˚C. Protect from freezing! Keep out of the reach of children.
It is a cosmetic gel. It is not a medicine.
Decision of the sanitary epidemiological commission of experts № 05.03.02-03/64096 dated 16.10.2014