Can be recommended as an additional source of biologically active plant substances that promotes to carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose normalization.
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Composition (1 capsule): Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract — 100 mg, Momordica charantia fruit extract — 100 mg, Azadirachta indica leaf extract — 80 mg, Asphaltum exudate — 40 mg, Picrorhiza kurroa rhizome extract — 30 mg, Ocimum sanctum leaf extract — 15 mg, Zingiber officinale rhizome — 40 mg, Commiphora mukul exudate — 50 mg, Syzygium cumini seed extract — 50 mg.
Excipients: Sodium Benzoate.
Recommendations for use: can be recommended as an additional source of biologically active plant substances that promotes to carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose normalization.
It is recommended to follow a balanced diet with restriction of animal fats, sweets and alcohol.
It is recommended to consult a physician before use.
Method of administration: for adults 1 capsule twice daily before meals, rinse with water.
Term of use: 60 days, than period of administration and the possibility of repeated courses should be confirmed by the doctor.
Caloric value (Energy value) 100 g of product: 138.15 kcal (577.46 kJ).
Feed value (Nutritional value) of 100 g of product: protein – 6.57 g, fat – 6.57 g, carbohydrate – 13.15 g.
Precautions at use: individual hypersensitivity to any component, children, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Release form: capsules No.30, 60, 100, 120 and 200.
Shelf life: 3 years from the manufacturing date.
Storage conditions: store in dry protected from light places at temperature not exceeding 30˚C. Keep out of reach of children.
Food supplement. Is not a medicine. Does not contain GMO.
Manufacturer: «Ananta Medicare Limited», legal address: 621, Ring Road Mall, Sector-3, Rohini, New Delhi-110085, India; manufacturing site address: G-1-265, Phase-II, RIICO Industrial Area, Udyog Vihar, Sri Ganganagar (Raj.), India.
Importer: LLC «Evitas», 61001, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Iskrinska str., 37.
Conclusion of sanitary-epidemiological expertise № 05.03.02.-03/20583 dated 15.05.2015