News and events of the company

General practitioners and family doctors on the watch of patients’ health

On March 17, 2010 a meeting of family doctors’ society was carried out in Kharkov; it was held with participation of the company Ananata Medicare and the main area of its work was dedicated to the treatment of arterial hypertension.

The chairman of the society, Professor Yuriy Petrovich Snopkov, dedicated his report to the problems of modern approach in treatment of arterial hypertension in the outpatient setting. In this report the author pointed out three main mechanisms that take part in the development of arterial hypertension and dwelt on the goals of medicinal treatment of arterial hypertension:

1) decrease of arterial pressure (AP) to the target one and its stabilizing, i.e. prevention of excessive fluctuation of AP during the day;

2) prevention of the development and, if possible, regress achievement of structural and functional changes in target organs;

3) improvement of the prognosis due to decrease of natural risks.

Professor Yu.P. Snopkov emphasized, that all these goals can be achieved by indication of the preparation Cardipril presented by the company Ananata Medicare. 

Cardipril (Ramipril) not only decreases AP effectively, but also decreases cardiovascular mortality risk.  

Preference to Cardipril should be given in case of target organs lesion (left ventricular hypertrophy, left ventricular dysfunction, asymptotic atherosclerosis, microalbuminuria, and diabetic neuropathy), presence of a stroke or myocardial infarction in past history, chronic cardiac insufficiency, atrial fibrillations, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus of the second type.

Cardipril controls AP during 24 hours, it can be taken regardless of meal’s intake, which promotes increased patient’s compliance. Cardipril is well tolerated; it has low rate of side-effects development. If necessary, it is possible to combine Cardipril effectively with other preparations. 

Company Ananata Medicare wishes all doctors success in the treatment of arterial hypertension with the help of preparation Cardipril!